
Laura Godfrin


Laura Godfrin advises French and foreign companies both in contentious and non-contentious matters in the sector of intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks, designs and models), IT and new technologies law.

Laura Godfrin has developed extensive experience in litigation matters especially in intellectual property (copyright, trademark, designs) and economic law (distribution networks, unfair competition and passing off). She also assists clients with administrative proceedings before the French Trademark Office (INPI) and EUIPO.

Laura has a deep knowledge of the regulation framework applicable to digital platforms and regularly assists clients on issues related to digital identity management (removal of unlawful and harmful content; defamation, denigration).

She also advises clients in various economic sectors (cosmetics, personal care, food & beverages, and e-sport) on distribution and consumer protection matters. Laura has been admitted to the Paris bar in 2017. Prior to joining Momentum Avocats, Laura has practiced for five years in the law firm De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés.


2016 – Paris Bar School (EFB)

2013 – Master’s Degree in Intellectual Property (Master II) – University Pantheon – Assas (top of the class)

2012 – Master’s degree in General Private Law – University of Nantes

Articles and presentations

« Quelle riposte légale au développement des services illégaux d’IPTV? », Le Journal du Net, December 2020

« Digital Services Act (1/2): comment l’Europe s’attaque à la haine en ligne et à la désinformation », interview, La Tribune, December 2020

« Censure de la « loi Avia » par le Conseil constitutionnel: un fil rouge pour les législateurs français et européens ? », co-authored with Me Jean-Sébastien Mariez, Dalloz actualité, June 2020

« Lutte contre les contenus haineux sur internet: décryptage de la loi dite « Avia » », co-authored with Me Jean-Sébastien Mariez, Dalloz Actualité, May 2020

« La revente d’occasion de jeux vidéo dématérialisés: les enseignements de l’arrêt Tom Kabinet de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne co-authored with Me Jean-Sébastien Mariez, Dalloz actualité, February 2020

Rest of the team

Jean Sébastien Mariez

Attorney at Law - Partner

Julien Canlorbe

Attorney at Law - Partner

Julie Carel

Attorney at Law - Partner

Valentine Giraudat

Attorney at law - Associate

Philomène Dubecq

Attorney at law - Associate

Jeanne Roussel


Inès Lalet

Attorney-at-Law - Associate

Raphaël Gentilleau

Attorney-at-Law - Associate


Intellectual Property

Trademarks, brand and design protection

Licensing and transactions

IP litigation


Designations of origin

Information Technology

Online content disputes

IT litigation

IT agreements

Artifical intelligence

Blockchain and Web 3

Access and use of public data

IT Regulatory

Media, Entertainment & Sports


News - Book publishers

E-reputation – Influencers

Defamation - Image Rights

Sports - Gaming

Commercial and E-commerce

Commercial litigation


Commercial agreements and Distribution

Consumer Law

Data Privacy and cybersecurity

Personal Data compliance

Personal Data litigation


Privacy Regulatory